Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Desire and Destiny - Mayhem Continues!

Destiny and Desire have now grown into 2 beautiful little girls!

While Desire (right) Turned into a little Diva, no surprises there huh! Destiny (left) had well ... turned a little evil ... (thanks HJ -.-)

Can't you just see the evil in Destiny's face? O.O

Desire on the other hand looks like a little angel ... but those tantrums haven't stopped!

The girls enjoy some play time together in there new playroom.  Mum and Dad have worked hard to get the Kids Suite ship shape!

They have there own private book corner to study and read. Lots and Lots of toys.  Separate sleeping area complete with bunk-beds!  And their own bathroom.

I can sense that these will be 2 very spoilt little girls indeed!

After playtime and Mum and Dad have caught their breath its time for some family time!

Watching TV and eating Salad. Desire always has to be awkward!

The girls take a picture together
I love the photo booth!

The girls seemed restless and had out grown most of their toys. So Spencer had bought them a treat, Karaoke Machine!

Desire was over joyed the little Diva took right to the new toy.  She sang her heart out, she swung her hair, she made the teddy bear crowd go wild!

"Destiny leave me alone! This is MY karaoke machine not yours! You cant play!" 

Lucky, Cosmina heard the shouting and rushed to the party pod to see what was going on.

"Mum," Destiny says quietly. "Desire wont let me play!

"Its my karaoke machine not hers! Tell her Mum!"

"Girls!" Cosmina says ith a stern voice.  "the Karaoke machine was bought for the family, not just you Desire.  Now let your sister play!"

She gives *the look* to Desire as she says so.

The girls then play happily together, and Desire realises that duets are alot of fun!

First Day Of School
 They Grow Up So Fast

And with school, comes homework! Luckily the girls have each other to help while Mum works and Dad spends hours tending there fruit and vegetable garden.

Destiny took to the homework well. 

She was finished in no time! 
Desire on the other hand didn't finish her homework so easily.

It took a little bit longer and quite abit of help from her sister, but it was finished before sunset.

This gave the girls plenty of time to eat and play before bedtime!


 Look at me, i'm awesome!

Desire plays in the mirror, practicing her poses for when the paparazzi are around.  With such a showbiz Mum the girls are used to having photographers hanging around, just dying to get a snap of the family!

Destiny on the other hand just looks to her sister as if she is crazy.  An evil little cackle as she walks by.

"What are you laughing at?"

"You.  Posing for the paparazzi isn't enough to be famous, Sis."

"Well Destiny atleast I will be famous unlike you!"

Destiny just turns and walks away, she has no intention of becoming famous, she has other plans.
She wonders off to the playroom and sits herself infront of the doll house.  She picks up some of the wooden characters and makes up voices for them.

"I am the Emperor of Evil! Bow down before me!"

Her evil side only comes out when she is alone, is only her Mum and Dad knew!


Teen Life Can Be Hard
Especially When You Sister Is Picking On You

Once again it's a happy Saturday in the Nova household.  Time for some hobbies!

Destiny takes some time to work on her cardio.  Too much cake as a child make her a little on the chubby, and her plans for the future means she needs to be fit as a fiddle!

Secret evil deeds take work yah know :P
Desire takes to the chess table.  Some of the comments Destiny had said to her about fame really got to her, and she decided she would need a back up for plan incase her rise to fame doesn't go as planned.

Logic was a good skill to work on, it could apply to so many career paths and be useful for many opportunity in her future, she was happy with the choice of skill to work on.

Homework, No One Likes You
Not Even Sims.

 As the days and week pass the girls find homework easier and easier. 

They are doing so well they have made the honor roll and are racking up the days they have stayed on it.

Destiny is determind to do her best in school, she knows she will need her smarts for her future. 

She has begun to write a plan on what she will need to do to make her dreams come true.

An evil plan needs alot of planning you know! 

She finds plenty of time to work on this in secret as she waits for her sister to finish off her homework.

Destiny just pretends she is correcting her work :P

 Desire soon finds that her play with the chess is paying off, not only is it a good back up for her future, but its really helped her improve her mind and means she can finish homework faster.

This not only pleases her but pleases her parents also, they are so proud and relieved to see there little Diva seeing a more sensible side of life.

Although she still plans to follow a life or fame.

It is now, with all her time on the Karaoke Machine, she has realised her dream

She wants to be a world famous singer!

But is still working on those logic skills just incase :P

Its nice to see the girls bond
Lets just hope it last!

 Every night their parents are treated to a show ...

I am sure they will regret buying that Karaoke Machine. 

Their singing is TERRIBLE!

I honestly doubt Desire will be a good singer! 
Destiny plays along, just enjoying spending some time with her family.

She knows it wont be long until she will have to break ties with them, to carry out her plans and start her new career.

She often lays awake at night wondering how her parents will feel. 

She knows it will be her sister who will be chosen to carry on the family name.  She gorgeous, talented and wants to carry on the families rise to fame.

She just doesn't know how to tell them she wont be moving out with them, and that she wants to escape the grasp of celebrity

Enjoying Some Family Time
 Who Doesn't love Domino's!

They know it wont be long before the girls are grown and Spencer and Cosmina will need to pick an heir to the family fortune.  Decisions, decisions.

Will it be the fame hungry Desire?
Or the Evil Mastermind Destiny?

Stay tunes to find out ;)


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